In Memory Of

Many People don't believe cats mate forever but I do. Tom (the black and white cat) and Jezebel came to my house together as starving strays. They had become wild and it took a while to tame them. They were always together and groomed each other lovingly. They were husband and wife by animal standards.When Jez had kittens Tom was the only father and he took great care of his offspring. I had them two years. In 2008 Tom dissappeared  and Jez walked for two weeks crying a heartbreaking sad cry. Two weeks after Tom vanished so did Jez. One monthe after Tom vanished we found him and laid him to rest. The next month we found Jez and she too, was laid to rest.
we love you guys. R.I.P.

May 19 2011,

I finally feel like I can add this post. We lost Pan on May 09, 2011. My husband did not see him run from under my truck into the path of his work truck. He was crushed so badly he could not be saved. We had him put to sleep as every bone was broken in his hips and lower back and he had internal bleeding. Tyler lay on the ground beside him and cried. We spent most of last week in shock. Pan was like our baby and had slept with us for several years. Sadly he kept reaching for me to help him as I have so often when he was sick or snake bitten but this time mommy could not help. We will forever remember him.

Pan, 2004 to May 09, 2011.